Friday, January 11, 2008

Before My Head Explodes...

I thought it would be best to, well, keep it from exploding. So, I invented this blog (okay, I didn't invent the blog. Blogs have been around for years and years! Please try to keep up!) in order that I could tell you, the blog-reading public, what is really important in life. So that you'll know. Because it's important to know.

Today, I am sick and tired of idiots. Really. There are more idiots per square inch than oxygen lately, and it makes me crazy! Seriously, folks! If you are a manager, there should be no issue with you not knowing how to print. And if your computer is having problems, why, since you've got an org chart, you should know exactly where to go. I really can't help people figure out how to print anymore. Either that or I need a raise. A big one. I'm not a trainer yet...after all-I don't have the amazing, door-opening, star-studded, shiny, all-important "DEGREE." I only have a fabulous work ethic and a great attitude, I come early and stay late, and handle whatever people ask me to do. I will even help train people, when asked nicely. But I draw the line at training people who do have "THE DEGREE." They should know how to do things. After all, they have "THE DEGREE." Yet, sadly, they can't print. Sheesh!

Anyway, welcome to my world. If you want, you know how to use the comments to let me know what you think. If you don't want, then simply read and be enlightened.

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