Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Must not...

Must not let the meds run out...

Must not sit back and pretend everything is ok when it's not...

Must be bold more often!

Actually, being bold worked for me recently. At work I have a micromanaging boss, who also likes to pile work on constantly...as in not letting me finish what she just told me to do before giving me two other things to do.

There are days I hate my job.

But last Friday, I had my yearly evaluation. She had a few complaints about me. Some were legitimate. Others were things that happened very recently, but that she seemed to count as being problems the whole year. Whatever. I got a decent raise...I think...it was 5%.

But when she told me what the new pay rate would be, she apparently saw the look on my face and said "you're thinking...what's wrong?" I said, "I don't think that's enough. I've taken on a whole lot of new projects this year." She said "you know, you're right." I ended up with a $1.10/hr raise and the promise to review my performance in October for a possible bonus. I'm sorry...it wasn't enough. I was already thinking about other places I could apply to. But I actually won! Who'd've thought?